Crypti Foundation Unleashes Decentralized Application (Dapp) Platform and Opens Dapp Store


Israel’s Crypti Foundation, the team behind the next generation cryptocurrency Crypti, today announced the final release of their eagerly anticipated decentralized application (Dapp) platform, and officially opened its Crypti based Dapp Store to the general public. Today’s release concludes a preliminary open beta testing period, and thus brings the JavaScript based decentralized application (Dapp) platform, including Dapp Store, actually onto the main Crypti network.

Code named “Gaia”, after the Greek goddess and historically referred to as “the great mother of all”, the newly released platform equips the cryptocurrency with the unique ability to host all manner of decentralized applications (Dapps), each with their own customizable sidechain.

Aimed at facilitating simplified development of decentralized applications (Dapps), without the need for a deeper understanding of blockchain based technology, each application on the new platform is written using the JavaScript programming language, and runs within a self-contained Node.js based virtual machine environment.

Accompanying today’s release, comes the official opening of the Crypti Dapp Store, providing users with the ability to browse, search, and launch decentralized applications (Dapps), quickly and easily from within the web based Crypti client. The Crypti Dapp Store additionally provides a simple and efficient publication process, allowing developers to upload decentralized applications (Dapps) within a matter of minutes. Plus, thanks to an ongoing partnership between the Crypti Foundation and Sia – the decentralized storage network. The Crypti Dapp Store also gives developers the option of hosting the application source code on the Sia blockchain.

Combined with many bug fixes, performance and user-interface enhancements, the updated Crypti Client also adds Multi-Signature functionality, allowing accounts who choose to enable it, the ability to specify one or more supplementary accounts, as the required signers for every transaction made from an account.

In order to demonstrate the platform’s shallow learning curve to new developers, the Crypti Foundation has written various tutorials, giving step-by-step instructions on how to build Crypti based decentralized applications (Dapps), all of which can be completed within a short space of time. The Crypti Foundation is also currently running a lucrative hackathon contest for the best voted decentralized application (Dapp). Further details of the contest, including tutorials and documentation, can be found on the official Crypti website.

The Crypti Foundation’s Community Manager, Max Kordek said:

“Owing to a successful beta period, during which a rigorous amount of testing was performed. Today we are ecstatic to announce the release of our beloved decentralized application platform.”

Kordek added:

“After literally pouring our hearts and souls into Crypti’s new platform, we at the Crypti Foundation, are all very much looking forward to seeing what kind of decentralized applications, developers will upload to the Crypti Dapp Store.”

Kordek further added:

“Today’s release is a critical point on our road map to a decentralized success story. We hope, therefore, it is now clear to all. Crypti brings the possibilities of blockchain based applications to a whole new level.”