Openledger Wants to Take Initial Coin Offerings to Wall Street Crowd – Promises to Spread ICO Culture and Practices to the Mainstream


At the Money20/20 payments and fintech services innovation event in Las Vegas today, the decentralized exchange OpenLedger, has unveiled that it’s taking three Initial Coin Offerings (ICO’s) – Apptrade, Beyond the Void and Centz – to institutional and accredited investors and aiming them at “non-cryptocurrency” markets.

“Apptrade, Beyond the Void and Centz all show applications of blockchain technology to mainstream industries. By accelerating their ICO crowdfunding, we will accelerate the spread of ICO culture and practices as well,” stated Ronny Boesing, CEO of  OpenLedger to FORBES.

Roger Aitken writing at Forbes today continued: 

Pre-investment to three new ICO’s, effectively a way for investors to gain exposure to an asset through a token, comprises Apptrade, which is creating what is touted as a ‘Stockmarket for Apps’, Centz that aims to make all gift cards interchangeable and spendable anywhere, and Beyond the Void, which is making a ‘MOBA-game’ economy controlled by the players.

OpenLedger claims it is now taking ICOs mainstream by “creating a bridge” between institutional investors and the initial coin offering (ICO) space. To date, the ecosystem of OpenLedger includes advertising, blockchain talent, trading as well as ICO marketing subsidiaries dedicated to what the fintech pioneers behind it describe as one goal: Crowdfunding the future of start-up businesses.

Ronny Boesing, CEO of the OpenLedger crowdfunding ecosystem, is announcing at the Money20/20 and CoinAgenda industry trade shows that these new ICOs would be “open for pre-investment from institutional investors”, with all of them raising money through their partnership with the decentralized exchange (aka the ‘Decentralized Conglomerate’).

The ICO and cryptocurrency world is dominated by internet culture, crypto-anarchism and financial speculation. And, OpenLedger’s decision to open ICO’s in advance to institutional investors marks what is described as “the slow pull” of ICOs into the mainstream of investment and venture capital.

All three ICOs are aimed at mainstream markets and use a combination of centralized databases and blockchain tools.

Read article in full at Forbes.