P2pfisy: An Innovative, Cross-sectoral Perspective On The Ongoing Disintermediation Of Financial Systems.


The University College London Centre for Blockchain Technologies (UCL CBT) is proud to be partner of the upcoming P2P Financial Systems International Workshop 2017 (P2PFISY), to be held at UCL Wilkins Building on 20-21 July 2017.

The event counts on a high-level line-up of speakers who will promise to finally merge the gap between academia, industry and finance debating on the potentials and controversies of financial disintermediation.

How will technological developments like fintech and digital money shape the future financial system?

Critics claim that it will be ruled by peer-to-peer systems. Undoubtedly, our society is rapidly evolving toward a less capital-intensive economy of ubiquitous on-demand shared assets and services. Technology-enabled platforms driven by computer-based and network-based ICTs allow for a peer-to-peer exchange of information and value without intermediaries.

Digital currencies and blockchain technologies, P2P lending and crowdfunding, digital money transfer, mobile banking and mobile payments represent the core of this innovation and the topics of the conference.

What opportunities and potential risks do such peer-to-peer innovation involve?

Despite the implementation of a series of reforms, including the introduction of regulatory sandboxes, the question whether the current financial disintermediation is fit for the future remains unanswered. The perspectives chosen by this workshop to face such controversial themes are probably to be considered as the keystone to evaluate not simply advantages and disadvantages but also present and future challenges that these new technologies are placing.

The third edition of the P2PFISY will foster debates from a wide viewpoint, by aiming to merge attitudes and to bridge the gap between academics, technologists, policy makers, regulators and Fintech experts. Partners of the event are the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, De Netherlandsche Bank, the Bank of Canada with the patronage of UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies.

The two days workshop are divided into a P2P Day (Thursday 20th July) and a Blockchain Day (Friday 21st July). Opening keynote of the event and of the P2P Day is Prof. Daniel Heller, Visiting Fellow at PIIE and former Executive Director at International Monetary Fund.

During the two days researchers, industry experts and entrepreneurs will be engaged in thrilling presentations and debates. Among the confirmed speakers: Lee Braine (Barclays), Michele Curtoni (London Stock Exchange),  Thomas Bertani (Oraclize), Pinar Emirdag (State Street), Paolo Sironi (IBM Watson Financial Service),  Jon Matonis (Bitcoin Foundation).

Moreover, the discussion will be enlightened by the view of regulators and central bankers including: Jeffrey Bandman (US Commodity and Future Trading Commission), John Schindler (Federal Reserve Board), Chalrelne Chen (BitPesa), Andrea Pinna (European Central Bank), Wilko Bolt (De Nederlandsche Bank), Ben Fung (Bank of Canada), Ben Craig (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland),  Michael Liftik (former US Security Exchange Commission).

Discussions on both days are closed by a rich panel session, where business and regulation as well as business and technology of P2P financial markets will be analyzed.

The program is constantly being updated and some other internationally renowned speakers are to be expected.

A lot of attention is being attracted by the Formal Dining, which will host a Special Guest for a speech before the dinner. The name will be revealed at due time from the conference secretariat.

A few details more about the event: tickets can be purchased via the P2PFISY website,

Early bird rates for academics, practitioners and students will be available until the 30th of April.

The Call for Papers will close on 15th May. Selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in a special issue of Journal of Digital Banking.

More information can be found here.