CORION Announces Final Coin Sale Details to Build its Revolutionary Platform & Stable-Rate Currency

CORION Platform Offers Marketplace with Low-Risk Stable Coin Price and Rewards System


CORION, creators of the full-service Blockchain platform powered by a revolutionary new stable-rate coin, today announced final details for their public crowdsale to begin June 18th and end July 30th 2017. Built on Ethereum Classic, the CORION stable-price coin eliminates the guesswork that comes with fluctuating coin prices. Its algorithm enables special automated inflation-deflation control, assuring stability of the CORION Coin as a stable means of payment worldwide. CORION’s white papers can be found here.

Participants in the CORION Coin sale will gain access to the CORION Platform, and have stable-price digital coins deposited in  their multifunctional CORION Wallets immediately, allowing instant, low-cost payments. Early contributors will receive a 25 percent bonus  the very first day, 20 percent bonus during  the first week, a 15 percent bonus  the second week, and progressively lower bonuses throughout the campaign. Contributors will also be incentivized by CORION’s affiliate reward of 1-5 percent.

Funds raised through CORION’s Coin sale will be distributed to further developments and investments managed by the CORION Foundation (50 percent),  to the stability fund managed by the Foundation (25 percent), to the team members for their two year of work (16 percent), future developers and associates working on the CORION Platform (4 percent), and marketing, promotions, and growth (5 percent).

CORION’s Marketplace allows anyone with a minimum purchase of 3,000 CORION coins to join the community as a Service Provider and start their own business, acquire customers The marketplace provides an excellent  tool to promote your business on both a local and global level, in either developed or in emerging regions. From there, the mainstream are engaged through affiliate programs and shopping communities that generate demand to use the platform. As business grows, so does the coin supply, thus fueling the system  and allowing users to earn daily rewards from staying active within the community.

The CORION Platform also features a built-in automated inflation and deflation control system that ensures the stable price of the coin to carry out transactions. If the price of CORION rises above $1 on the main exchanges, (i.e. there is a demand for more coins), the system will release a maximum 2.5 percent additional coins daily through coin emission. On the other hand, if the price of CORION coin drops below $1 on the main exchanges, (i.e. there are more coins in circulation then the system needs), coin emission will stop for that day. To make sure the system works, set fees are calculated after each transaction and later burned to make sure they never appear in the system again.

“One of the biggest deterrents for new cryptocurrency users is the hassle of monitoring fluctuating coin prices,” said Denkler. “With CORION, the price of the coin remains stable, giving community users all the freedom to buy and sell in the marketplace without  financial risk. We look forward to introducing CORION to a larger audience through this token crowdsale, and putting investments towards funding this truly revolutionary platform.”

For more information on CORION and its upcoming coin sale, please visit: