Medicalchain To Speak At The Upcoming Financial Times Digital Health Summit On Oct. 12, 2017


Medicalchain, a decentralized platform that utilizes blockchain technology to securely store and share medical data, announced today that it will speak at the upcoming FT Digital Health Summit in New York City on Oct. 12.

Held annually, the Digital Health Summit brings patients, providers, payers, innovators, regulators and investors together to discuss new technologies and innovation in healthcare.

“We are honored to be part of the 2017 Digital Health Summit, and we are excited to share and exchange ideas with people in all sectors of the healthcare industry,” said Dr. Albeyatti, Co-Founder and CEO.

Through Medicalchain, patients will have access to doctors across the world, hospitals can cut out paperwork and streaming coding procedures, and pharmacies and insurers will receive accurate, up-to-date information to assist their customers immediately.

“Medicalchain is not just putting health records on the blockchain, but developing an entire ecosystem for patients to communicate directly with doctors and utilize their health records,” Dr. Albeyatti said. “A patient would have a single point of truth to refer to with regards to their medical history and this record can easily be shared with any doctor on the platform anywhere in the world.”

This year’s Digital Health Summit will be held at the Westin New York at Times Square. Interested parties can register for the event on the FT Live website.