Boosteroid Wants to Squeeze Google and Amazon on the Cloud Computing Market


Having successfully sold two million BTR tokens ahead of schedule at the pre-ICO, international project called Boosteroid starts ICO on October 23. The key difference between Boosteroid and other startups is that it will be implemented regardless of the ICO results: the computing facilities are already being built.

Boosteroid is a cloud services platform that provides convenient access to computing power, storage, software products and other functionality.

The project will allow to abandon expensive personal computers in favor of a powerful remote service with a user-friendly interface and a simple management. A computer is able to carry out a variety of tasks in the “cloud” – from working with texts to analyzing DNA.

Today the prices of cloud computing computing rent offered by market leaders — Amazon WS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud — are very high, so this service is still the privilege of the “elite”. This situation spurred experts to create Boosteroid.

Not only have users to pay a lot for computing power rent offered by market leaders but also face difficulties when trying to take this rent. It is very challenging even for advanced users to go through the rental procedure that includes complex settings and requires a lot of time.

To expand computing facilities and make price of computing power rent competitive and available for everyone, the team has decided to hold the ICO.

Boosteroid ICO will include three stages

According to Boosteroid founder Ivan Shvaichenko, this is because the team doesn’t need the total amount of investments at once.

“We will use the funds raised after the first ICO stage to set up electricity connection, get the premises ready to the setup and launch of computing facilities, purchase of the first facilities and further software development to provide convenient access to them. Funds raised after the second ICO stage will be used for equipment purchase and setup to start the operation of our computing facilities. Funds raised after the third stage will be used to further expand computing power of our project”, – noted Boosteroid founder.

The first stage starts on October 23, 2017 at 9:00 (CET) and ends on November 6, 2017 at 21:00 (CET). ICO can be completed ahead of schedule if the needed investments are raised. Initial price of 1 BTR is $0,48, final price – $0,58. Investors will be able to exchange ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC for a total of 100 000 000 BTR tokens.

The next 700,000,000 BTR tokens will be available during two following ICO stages:

  • from November 27 to December 11, 2017. The total number of BTR tokens: 300,000,000. The starting price of 1 BTR token is $1.08, the final price is $1.38
  • from January, 15, 2017 to February 15, 2018. The total number of BTR tokens: 400,000,000. The starting price of 1 BTR token is $1.88, the final price is $2.78

Profits for the investors

Investors interested in the Boosteroid project will be able to trade BTR tokens at a higher rate (BTR will become available on the main cryptocurrency exchanges after the second ICO stage).

Currently the minimum price for one hour computing power rent* offered by Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud is $6,5 to $10,5. Boosteroid offers the same service only for 1 BTR. Accordingly, BTR token rates will grow. We expect the following growth –  $6.

*computing power on.the basis of eight NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphic cards; two Intel Xeon E5 2680v4 processors; RAM 256Gb; SSD 960Gb.

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