Royal Canadian Mint Goes Blockchain – via Goldmoney and Cryptocurrency


Canadian Blockchain startup  Goldmoney (formerly BitGold),  which  powers a cryptocurrency based on gold, has added gold from the Royal Canadian Mint to its bullion reserves.

From Goldmoney:

We’ve collaborated with the Royal Canadian Mint to provide you with a second Canadian vault option: The Mint’s secure precious metal storage facility in Ottawa! As of today, you can instantly purchase any amount of 100% reserved gold bullion in the Mint’s Ottawa vault, transfer Mint-vaulted gold value to anyone for free*, make vault-to-vault transfers between the Mint and seven Brink’s vault locations located around the world, redeem your gold balance to your Goldmoney Mastercard Prepaid card or bank account, or take physical delivery.

Ottawa Vault Features

  • Instantly purchase and hold 100% Mint-vaulted gold bullion.
  • Standard deposit and redemption fees of .50%.
  • Free storage for up to 1,000 grams.
  • Transfer gold value to anyone for free via text message or email.
  • Redeem gold balance to bank account in local currency or load a Goldmoney Mastercard Prepaid card.
  • Redeem coins, GoldCubes, or bars via Goldmoney Physical.
  • Make vault-to-vault transfers to and from seven Brink’s vaults (Toronto, New York, London, Zurich, Dubai, Singapore, and Hong Kong).