LAToken Tokenized Apple Shares to Sell Them for Cryptocurrencies


LAToken launched test trades of tokenized Apple shares at LAT Exchange, the first tokenized assets exchange, that allows its clients to sell and buy securities and real assets using cryptocurrency.

Within weeks LAToken will list new asset classes, ranging from real estate to works of art at LAT Exchange, open the doors to assets worth trillions of dollars onto a Blockchain exchange and enabling cryptoinvestors to buy them at minimal transaction costs and maximum transparency and security.

The idea behind LAToken is that tokenizing and making tradeable assets can take the whole investing process to a new level. Here’s how our platform works. Asset owners sell fractions of their asset to a LAT-certified custodian. The LAT custodian tokenizes the asset and sells it to a wide range of investors, from hedge funds to individuals, at the LAT Exchange. Then investors can sell the asset-backed tokens on a secondary market. On the settlement date, the seller buys his asset back, or the custodian sells it at a fiat auction.

To illustrate the disruptive cost reduction we bring to equity and debt financing, here is a comparison of the listing terms and costsat the New York Stock Exchange and the ones LAToken will offer. 

The differences are striking. First, we have no limit for the minimum issue volume, while listing at NYSE requires a minimum of $100 million for equity and $5 million for debt. The LAT Exchange has no annual listing fees, while companies pay $100,000 to list equities and $20,000 to list debt at NYSE. Underwriters fees for LAToken’s clients are negligible, much lower than the 2-5% at NYSE. Listing  preparation at LAToken takes less than a week, compared to approximately 6 months at NYSE. Additionally, the retail transaction fees are 1,000 times lower. 

 “My dream is to build a NASDAQ on Blockchain with a wider range of tradable assets, blurring the boundaries between crypto- and real ecomonies, and offering our clients a dramatic reduction of listing costs, settlement time, and transaction costs,” says Valentin Preobrazhenskiy, CEO of LAToken. “Another advantage of LAT Exchange is that the Blockchain technology can remove one of the main challenges in the investment process — the asymmetry of information between buyers and sellers — helping us reach full transparency of transactions and protecting against accidental loss of data or its deliberate distortion, ” he adds.

The platform is already operational, and to develop it further, LAToken starts a public token sale on August 22. There will be fourrounds, each designed to add a new asset class.