Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchange Mr. Ripple Re-Brands Into Mr. Exchange, A Full System Upgrade


Mr. Exchange, Inc. (Formerly knowns as Crypted Vault, Co., Ltd,) the developer of cryptocurrency exchange Mr. Ripple is announcing a comprehensive system upgrade and renaming it to Mr. Exchange. It is scheduled to launch on September 15th, 2017.

Mr. Exchange is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in Japan, supporting over 50 currency pairs and at the same time securely storing different kinds of native wallet※2 in one integrated wallet. By 2018, Mr. Exchange is targeting the user base to grow exponentially to 100,000 and monthly trading volume at 75 billion JPY.

After migrating the account to Mr. Exchange, the withdrawal of fiat and cryptocurrency will be temporarily limited until additional identification has been submitted by users.

As for Mr. Ripple users, it is possible to withdraw as usual until you initiate the account migration process to Mr. Exchange.

Mr. Ripple account migration service to Mr. Exchange is available until the end of September 2018 and it is subject to change without further notice.

Additionally, for users who have not completed identity verification on Mr. Ripple or who do not wish to continue using Mr. Exchange, migration is not necessary.