Latest edition of Synacor’s global, Smart Contracts launched Showcasing Zimbra X Powered by EOSIO at Blockchain Live


Synacor announced advancements to Zimbra X, the latest edition of Synacor’s global, open source-based collaboration platform.  Synacor officially launched its BETA for Zimbra X powered by EOSIO at Blockchain Live 2018, leveraging smart contracts and EOS Tokens.  This will guarantee its position as the authoritative collaboration platform choice for businesses on blockchain.

The platform was recently announced as the first email and collaboration offering built on EOSIO for distributed apps. It is the premier open source-based, extensible email and collaboration-alternative that offers superior security with user accounts. The identity tracked on the blockchain, will allow organizations to leverage blockchain to drive network efficiencies.

“We are making important moves in Blockchain, going from the first enterprise DApp powered by EOSIO to now leveraging blockchain capabilities such as smart contracts, EOS Tokens, and verified identity APIs,” said Himesh Bhise, CEO of Synacor. “We are excited to showcase Zimbra X powered by EOSIO at Blockchain Live, and invite the global blockchain community to participate in our beta.”

Zimbra X powered by EOSIO provides business-class email and collaboration tools. EOS account holders can test Zimbra X by signing up for beta access at

Beta account holders can currently expect Beta access granted via a multi-signature smart contract on the EOS public blockchainAccounts provisioned and tracked on the blockchainBeta access fees paid by EOS Token.

Synacor will continue to add innovative blockchain features that will reduce storage costs, improve file security, and create unalterable records of email and collaboration events.