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University College London
Dept. of Computer Science
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom
Skype: george_danezis
Email: g.danezis at ucl.ac.uk
Office: MPEB 4.13

I am a Professor of Security and Privacy Engineering at the Information Security Group of the Computer Science department at University College London. I am also a faculty fellow at the Turing Institute.

From Sept. 2018 I am part time at UCL to focus on a number of commercialization & industrial activities:

This webpage will be kept up to date in relation to my research work.

Research interests: I research computer security, privacy, and in particular anonymous communications, traffic analysis, statistical inference, smart metering and peer-to-peer security. I have a special interest in the application of modern machine learning to security problems, as well as distributed ledgers. You can see my full CV and a short bio.

Group: Within the Information Security group, I currently supervise Jamie Hayes, Raphael Toledo, Ania Piotrowska, Marios Isaakidis, Vasilis Mavroudis, Mustafa Al-Bassam, Alberto Sonnino and Maria Schett. Sebastian Meiser is currently a post-doctoral researcher working with me. Previously, Shehar Bano was a member of my team.

Research positions & PhD supervision: I am an active researcher in computer security and privacy, and always on the lookout for talented post-doctoral researchers and doctoral (PhD) students to join our group at UCL. Interested candidates should email me with a copy of their Curriculum Vitae and a short research statement.

Teaching, thesis and project supervision: I taught two classes for the UCL MSc in Information Security, namely Computer Security I (GA01) and one of the few Privacy Enhancing Technologies (GA17) courses in the world. I am keen to supervise undergraduate or MSc projects on security and privacy, and have some project ideas. My office hours relating to taught courses are integrated within the lecture series (as a fourth optional hour-long slot), and I am available for one-on-one meetings with students and tutees, usually on Tuesdays 11-12 in term time, or as arranged by email.

Funding and other activities: My research has been funded by the EU (Panoramix, Nextleap, Decode), the EPSRC, MSR, ACE (GCHQ) and UCL. I sit on the board of the PET Symposium, and the ACM CCS and IH&MMS steering committees. I am a fellow of the Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy, and on the advisory board of the Simply Secure Project, the Open Rights Group and before Privacy International. I am open to short-term consultancy engagements around computer security and privacy research, or design reviews, through UCL Consultants.


All Privacy Anonymity Machine Learning Peer-to-peer & Blockchains Crypto Policy & Econ Social Applications Tor Location Identity Security Data

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Recent and Forthcoming


2010 - 2015

2005 - 2010

2000 - 2005

Unpublished manuscripts / lecture notes / invited talks / hard science

Biographical details

Before joining UCL I was a researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge from 2007 to 2013. Between 2005 and 2007 I was a post-doctoral visiting fellow at Prof. Bart Preneel's COSIC group at K.U.Leuven, Belgium. With Claudia Diaz we were coordinating the COSIC Privacy Group. Until 2005 I was a research assistant in the Security Group, of the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, working on anonymous communications, peer-to-peer networks and censorship resistance where I got my Ph.D under the supervision of Prof. Ross J. Anderson, in the security group. My doctoral thesis entitled Better Anonymous Communications and the associated technical report Designing and Attacking Anonymous Communication Systems (UCAM-CL-TR-594) are available. I received my B.A. (Hons) in Computer Science from Queens' College, where I am a foundation scholar.

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Computer Security I (GA01)
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (GA17)