To help with the launch the upcoming Ardor Blockchain, a platform built by Nxt that uses child chains and incorporates their latest Blockchain innovation – a leading investor within the NXT community, who is known as Megalodon, is offering 5 million NXT (approximately $150,000) to anyone who runs NXT nodes. Backed by the NXT core developers, the bounty will be awarded in the form of a massive transaction fee.
According to Roger Aitken from Forbes, Megalodon, who got their nickname from the Nxt community as a reference to the whale-eating prehistoric shark, is the largest current single NXT holder. He/she maintains near-total anonymity. As an aside a ‘whale’ is crypto-currency slang for a large investor or stakeholder.
He writes:
Megalodon – or let’s use Meg for short – has always supported the Nxt community. And, their basic motivation appears to be the “long-term success of Nxt”, rather than short-term financial gain, according to Pearce.
He further explains: “By offering a percentage of their holdings to a bounty program, Meg can encourage the growth of the Nxt network. This growth will probably be reflected in an increase in the value of NXT itself, so Meg’s contribution to the bounty program will probably be an effective investment for them.”
Nxt can be run directly from a desktop and the Nxt community provides assistance to help users in their setup process, through the nxtforum or Nxt Slack , a project collaboration/communication platform. Specifically, it is used for day-to-day communication within the Nxt community and various project teams.