Revain Blockchain-based Review Platform’s Advantages Over Existing Review Sites


Imagine this! You would want to get goods or services from a platform but are not so sure of how well they would satisfy your needs. Thanks to the Internet, the first port of call could be reading reviews made by previous customers and users. The internet is awash with reviews that can be utilized to the benefit of the customer. Those reviews—mostly made through traditional platforms such as Amazon, Yelp, Rotten Tomatoes, and others—are not free of challenges and shortcomings. In this article, we present the problems associated with traditional review platforms, and how Revain brings about solutions to address those deficiencies problems.

What is Revain?

Revain is a review platform that utilizes the blockchain technology to give feedback. It embraces the features of blockchain to increase the credibility and legitimacy of feedback. Revain was founded in 2017.

Problems Revain Attempts to Solve

The Internet is overflowing with reviews on various platforms at the user’s hand. There is however no doubt there are some inherent problems that these platforms have. Those may have an unprecedented negative impact on customers and providers.

Reviews bring about the possibility of increasing a brand’s reputation or influencing the decision of a customer to use a product. Sometimes providers manipulate reviews made on the traditional platforms to positively tilt the customer preference. Such review platforms, unfortunately, offer the possibility of businesses paying for reviews to be done in their favor. In some cases, businesses may be involved in deleting reviews which give a negative impression on their own image. Some competitors may even go to such lengths as creating false reviews to slander rivals’ brand image and help themselves look by far more appealing than the competition.

Another problem with traditional review platforms is the motivation of people who make reviews. What motivates users to leave feedback? It takes a significant amount of time and effort to prepare a review, but one may equally ask what would drive a user to make a high-quality review. Traditional review platforms do not offer an incentive for creating reviews, and there is no driving force to push for the production of high-quality reviews. There is even a chance of using bots to create reviews that would appear as if they were prepared by humans.

Revain’s Countermeasures

Revain eliminates the possibility of fake or low-quality reviews by using Blockchain Technology and Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence also allows filtering out reviews through analyzing factors such as emotions ensuring that reviews are not filled with spam. The platform also rewards customers for making high-quality reviews, and this incentive is expected to improve the overall quality of reviews made.

How Blockchain Addresses Immutability and Transparency of Reviews

blockchain reviewsImmutability has been one of the issues affecting traditional review platforms. Currently, they are non-immutable and can be falsified or faked. With the fact that 90% of customers take action after reading reviews it would be important to note that reviews form an integral part of the internet business world. Immutability refers to the fact that reviews may not be manipulated or changed easily. Therefore, immutability eliminates falsified information as feedback to the customer or business.

Blockchain ensures the immutability of reviews made on Revain through the use of cryptographic hashing which guarantees no review manipulation. Revain makes use of Bitcoin Blockchain technology which can be accessible to the public. An example would be one takes a review on Binance which is made by 5 experts and has a track record of any changes made.

Role of Revain’s Custom AI in Checking and Filtering Out Low-quality Reviews

As every customer is different, actual feedback quality varies as people of different backgrounds use different language tones. Revain makes use of the IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence to screen reviews, eliminating any low-quality or possibly fake reviews. The AI takes into account several factors which include the reviewer’s emotion as detected in the review and usage of language style. Anger, disgust, and sadness levels are also parameters analyzed, and reviews with high levels of such will be automatically removed by the AI system. As such, bots and spam will be eliminated, ensuring the Revain review platform only offers quality reviews.

Other than the use of Artificial intelligence, Revain also offers an incentive system that rewards users bringing about high-quality reviews by rewarding them with the RVN token, which they can convert into the R token. The reviewed companies are charged tokens for reviews made. There is also penalizing reviewers and companies for non-compliance and excessive moderation respectively.

Revain also makes use of the hands-on review system which complements the AI moderation of reviews made. Once the reviews pass the AI level, the company to which the review is addressed to is also capable of making manual moderation of the reviews made. In any case of accepted or rejected reviews, the reviews will still be available to the public for viewing.


Undoubtedly, Revain has revolutionized the way reviews are made on companies at the crowdfunding or after-ICO stages. Later, Revain plans plan to extend this technology to other markets such as e-commerce, gaming, and other industries. The Revain review platform allows customers to have a say in the trajectory of the development of the project or a way to share their personal experiences and thoughts. Either way, the reviews will be credible and quality. Let us know your thoughts about Revain and its innovative way of making reviews. And if you have used it before, have you shared your thoughts with friends yet?