Dr John Henry Clippinger is a co-founder of The Token Commons
Foundation, and Executive Director of ID3 (Institute for Innovation
& Data Driven Design), formed to develop and test legal and
software trust frameworks for identity, personal data, data-driven
services, infrastructures, and organizations. He is also Research
Scientist at the MIT Media Lab.
He is also an Advisor to Bancor, Evident, Decentralized Pictures,
Cashaa, and partner in CryptoAsset Design Group. Previously, he was
founder and Co-Director of The Law Lab (www.lawlab.org) at the Berkman
Klein Center at Harvard Law School.
Dr. Clippinger is a contributor and co-editor From Bitcoin to Burning
Man and Beyond; The Quest for Identity and Autonomy in Digital Society,
(2014), the author of A Crowd of One: The Future of Individual Identity
(Perseus, Public Affairs, 2007, and The Biology of Business, Natural
Laws of Enterprise Josey Bass, 1998). Previously, he was Director of
Intellectual Capital, Coopers & Lybrand, advisor to DOD CCRP
(Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), DARPA, and the founder of
four artificial intelligence software companies.
He has been a member of the World Economic Forum Global Advisory
Council, Santa Fe Institute, Aspen Institute, Highlands Forum, Yale CEO
Summit, Dubai Futures Forum, Aspen Italia, TII/Vanguard, and others.
Dr. Clippinger is a graduate of Yale University and holds a Ph.D. from
the University of Pennsylvania.