The HRH Real Token, launched on March 31st, 2022, has around 400 million coins in circulation now. Any trader interested in buying the token can download the Coinbase app and add funds. Following this step, it would be necessary to get the MetaMask app and transfer USDC and ETH (for gas fees) from Coinbase to the wallet. Finally, users will need to access a swap portal (SushiSwap or UniSwap) and connect their crypto wallet to purchase the HJHRE token.
As a tracking token for HJH Investments’ real estate holdings, HJH REAL Token is a game-changing innovation. Purchasers can quickly look up the token by using its address, which is 0xd2320df6602B5D0BAEA496d2697291a2264150A4.
The Features Introduced by the Team
This new coin aims to integrate characteristics of the stock market, real estate, and ETFs using cryptocurrency.
Specifically, the team integrated the following aspects from several marketplaces in the project:
- Stock market: the HJH Real token utilizes formulas as targeted metrics to assess market valuation (e.g., price to earnings ratio).
- ETFs: the token is designed to track a collection of investments through a set of data points.
- Real estate: HJH Investments’ real estate portfolio is the object of the ETF-like tracking system
Buying HJHRE is not an investment in HJH Investments’ real estate assets. Purchasing the token gives users access to HJH Investments’ real estate portfolio performance. In order to employ a robust tracking mechanism, the project proposes a dual pricing system:
- Real Estate Asset & Income Pricing (REI) can be seen as a Price-to-Earnings logic applied to the real estate industry.
- Proof-of-Volume (POV) divides a well-researched statistical coefficient (i.e., 5,764,801) by the total HJRE exchanged or gifted on the market. The numerator was chosen to reflect the transaction volume without overwhelming the REI amount.
More Information About the HJH Real Token
The HRH Real Token launched on March 31st, 2022, with around 400 million coins already in circulation. The developers made it so that the maximum supply of the HJH Real token will never go beyond 1.2 billion units.
For the remaining tokens, a mining method will be used. As a result, the system was designed to become increasingly challenging over time.
Tokens will be mined when HJH buys more real estate properties, as the token and real estate prices are linked. The team will quarterly review this number and adjust the token supply accordingly.
The mining mechanism will be based on market pricing and the POV system. The team will split the real estate buying activity by the highest number.
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