The Bancorp Releases Finetics™ Studio Interview Series: “Innovation in B2B and Blockchain”


The Bancorp has announced the release of its next Finetics Studio interview series: “Innovation in B2B and Blockchain” featuring Rene Lacerte, CEO and Founder,; Chris Byrd, Executive Vice President–Healthcare Operations Officer, Evolution1; and Steve Kirsch, CEO, Token.

Filmed from the Money20/20 show floor, the exclusive interviews cover innovations in business-to-business (B2B) payments and the increasing focus on blockchain technology.

“Over 21 billion checks a year are written in the U.S. and 19 billion involve businesses,” said Lacerte. “The cost of making just one of those transactions using the current system is over $65. And 65 times 19 billion is over $1 trillion dollars of inefficiency problems in this country – $1 trillion dollars that businesses could actually use to do something better with their time.”

Payments innovation in the healthcare industry was also a point of discussion in the Studio with Byrd, who added, “There’s so much innovation, excitement and energy in industry right now but…the changes we are making are really simplifying the experience for health plans and benefit plan administrators, making it easier for employers. Most importantly, we are making it more convenient for consumers—and happy consumers and employees make happy employers.”

Executives also provided entrepreneurial advice, including Kirsch, who shared that one of the keys to his success in building Token was, “learning to explain the complicated paradigms involved in the payments industry in a way people could understand.”

The release of these videos supports The Bancorp’s Finetics™ Studio video series, which features exclusive, one-on-one conversations with more than 30 of the financial services industry’s most influential and innovative executives, launched late last year.

The interviews, conducted by Sarah Gill, senior reporter with PaymentEye, cover topics ranging from the future of payments innovation to regulation and fraud and will be released on The Bancorp’s throughout early 2016.

Finetics™ Studio participants include the following executives:

  • Rene Lacerte, CEO and Founder,
  • Talbott Roche, President, Blackhawk Network
  • Ben Katz, CEO and Founder,
  • Robert Carr, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Heartland Payment Systems
  • Brent Warrington, CEO, Hyperwallet
  • Lars Sandtorv, CEO, MeaWallet
  • Hamed Shahbazi, CEO, TIO Networks
  • Stefan Happ, Executive Vice President, Global Prepaid and Alternative Payments, American Express
  • Janet O. Estep, CEO, NACHA—The Electronic Payments Association
  • Brad Fauss, President and CEO, Network Branded Prepaid Card Association
  • Tony Craddock, Director General, Emerging Payments Association
  • Cherian Abraham, Mobile Payments & Commerce, Experian Plc.
  • Dan Rosen, Founder and General Partner, Commerce Ventures
  • Suresh Vaghjiani, Executive Vice President, Global Processing Services (GPS)
  • Barrie VanBrackle, Partner and Payments Specialist, Manatt, Phelps and Phillips
  • Marilyn Bochicchio, CEO and Founder, Hidden Brain
  • Chris Byrd, Executive Vice President–Healthcare Operations Officer, Evolution1
  • Rahul Gupta, Group President, Billing and Payments, Fiserv
  • Julie Conroy, Research Director, Aite Group
  • Peter Read, President, Peoples Card Services
  • Kenneth M. Goins, Jr., Vice Chairman, Brightwell Payments
  • Render Dahiya, CEO, Arroweye Solutions
  • Sean Rodriguez, Faster Payments Strategy Leader and Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve System
  • Steve Kirsch, CEO, Token
  • Ryan Caldwell, Founder and CEO, MX
  • Anil Aggarwal, Founder and Chairman, Money20/20
  • Pat Patel, Content Director, Money20/20 Europe
  • Pawneet Abramowski, Senior Vice President, Director AML & Sanctions Risk Management, The Bancorp
  • Jeremy Kuiper, Managing Director, Payment Solutions, The Bancorp
  • Matt Carberry, Vice President Business Development, Payments, The Bancorp
  • Gail Ball, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, The Bancorp
  • Pete Chiccino, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer, The Bancorp
  • Kriya Patel, Managing Director, Payment Solutions, Europe, The Bancorp
  • Charles Crawford, Senior Vice President, Payments Acceptance, The Bancorp