Kuperman LLC Releases Study Showing Seventy percent of the Blockchain startups operating today in New-York are not BitCoin related


Kuperman LLC, a corporate development advisory firm recently released a study regarding blockchainnycBlockchain technology startups in New York City. Blockchain, known as the underlying technology that powers Bitcoin is used by a growing number of companies for different purposes. The study found that so far in 2016 more than $80 million was invested in Blockchain startups operating in New York City; none of these investments were Bitcoin related.

Guy Kuperman, CEO and founder of Kuperman LLC states:

“Seventy percent of the Blockchain startups operating today in New-York are not BitCoin related,” he said. “Startups developing middleware platforms to application development seem to be gaining the fastest momentum. By far, startups in this category have been able to get the most investment in 2016.”

Since the beginning of 2016, the increase in investments have been generated mainly by non-bitcoin startups in three key categories – middleware, clearing house and payments.

blockchainnyc2New York-based Blockchain companies operate in six additional categories including compliance and security, certification and authentication, banking, digital id
entity, Internet of Things, and smart contracts.

The study included the review of over 100 companies with only a few dozen making it to the final short list of relevant startups based on the criteria.