Top Blockchain Start-Ups Join Together To Improve Industry Marketing


The Decentralized Marketing Network (DMN) launched today with the goal of helping Blockchain, decentralized, and crypto-based start-ups improve their marketing through peer-to-peer knowledge sharing. Founding members of the DMN include Storj, Rootstock, Everledger, OpenBazaar, Tierion, and Funderbeam, among others. Membership in the community is free and is facilitated by Never Stop Marketing- the world’s only marketing services firm focused entirely on Blockchain and decentralized companies.

Global interest in Blockchain technology is exploding, with a new report from McKinsey predicting that “full potential” will be reached in 5 years. The report found:

“64 different use cases for Blockchains in a survey of 200 companies,” and that “the established banking industry is pouring money into Blockchain technology far faster and more steadily, and a likely target of $400 million during 2019.”

In this environment, the need for Blockchain start-ups to differentiate and grow is intensifying. According to Statistic Brain Research Institute:

“25% of all startups fail in their first year, 36% in the second and 44% in the third.”  Even well-funded organizations like R3 faced challenges as key members declined to renew their membership.  As Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures observed, “the sector is full of technologists and mostly empty of marketers.”  

The Decentralized Marketing Network was established to address this industry-wide challenge. The DMN offers Blockchain, decentralized, and crypto- start-ups a peer-to-peer environment to learn the basics of marketing from world-class experts and a collaborative forum to understand the successes and failures of others. Membership is currently free and offers multiple benefits including a “quick tips on marketing” newsletter, regular educational webinars, and a Slack channel.

“We know that just having a great product is not enough,” said John Quinn, co-founder of Storj Labs. “Great marketing is critical for us as we change the way the world stores its data. We’re excited about what the DMN has to offer.”

CEO and Co-Founder of RSK Labs (aka Rootstock), Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar agrees:

“As the world’s first general purpose smart contract platform secured by the Bitcoin network, we have a lot to offer to businesses, governments, and individuals. We know that great marketing and storytelling will help us generate the awareness and perception we’re going to need. The DMN is a great venue for us to improve how we communicate.”

The Decentralized Marketing Network was organized by Jeremy Epstein, CEO of Never Stop Marketing, the only marketing services firm specifically focused on Blockchain-based start-ups. With 20 years experience in helping innovative technologies enter the mainstream, Epstein recognized the need in the Blockchain space.

“The engineering talent in this industry is inspiring. The future they envision is inevitable. The DMN is simply a way to bring that future forward faster.”

Companies interested in joining the Decentralized Marketing Network (membership is FREE) may apply for membership here.