Horizon State Launches Token Sale to Modernize Global Voting and Collaborative Decision Making


Horizon State, an Australian-based technology startup focused on building a decentralized engagement and decision platform, has officially launched its token sale. The sale, which lasts from October 16 to October 30, will distribute Decision Tokens (HST) in exchange for Ethereum (ETH) contributions, allowing contributors to take part in Horizon State’s vision of changing how we vote.

Horizon State hopes to revolutionize the way people vote and make decisions by utilizing the blockchain to create a secure digital ballot. This will add security and transparency to the voting process and can be utilized by a wide range of user groups from governments to public and private organizations. The MVP of the product was launched in early 2017 for Australia’s MiVote membership, validating the technology with 4 nationally-inclusive polls that committed thousands of votes to the Ethereum public blockchain.

Horizon State co-founder, Jamie Skella, explained:

“We are excited to share this vision with the world. Currently, we are engaged with global NGOs, multinational enterprises, national governments, and city councils – all of which are extremely positive and encouraging discussions.”

By using a distributed ledger, Horizon State will deliver a digital ballot box that can’t be hacked and will maintain the anonymity of each voter. The end result is a system that is quicker, more convenient, and much cheaper than centralized voting processes. Skella describes the application in Australia as “drastically cheaper”, equating to a cost per eligible voter of less than $1, compared to traditional costs of $7 or more.

Proceeds from the token sale will be used to expand globally and develop a suite of voting apps, bots, and a crowdfunding platform to help drive a new democratic process that is more convenient and relatable. Skella adds, “The future of e-voting will incorporate the technology we already have at our fingertips to deliver the opportunity to vote conveniently and securely, perhaps without ever having to leave the comfort of your home.”

Governments have an extraordinary opportunity to increase citizen engagement by utilising new technology. The Horizon State platform now provides a means to do so securely, immediately and at a fraction of the cost of current methods, delivering a solution that addresses both barriers to engagement and the voter apathy felt by many.