Whale Alert: USD One Billion+ BTC Was Transferred in One Transaction Last Week


A whopping USD$1 billion was transferred on the Bitcoin Blockchain in one fell swoop last week from Whale Watching site WhaleAlert – and @thetokenanalyst noted:


However, Huobi denied the claims to Crypto News:

“A Huobi spokesperson told Cryptonews.com that they generally don’t disclose information about transactions, but that they can only confirm “that this transfer of funds did not involve Huobi’s own funds and that, with exchanges as big as ours, large transactions like this one can and do occur from time to time”.

According to the spokesperson, their security team:

“…has been monitoring the situation carefully and has found no evidence of any compromises in account security,” adding that “All client funds remain safe and secure.”

Nick Szabo also piped in:

More than half of the BTC (56%) came from only one address. Another 42% came from three other addresses. The transaction fee is about $700, that is, only 0.00007% of the total. Some in the Bitcoin community are tying the deal to the Bakkt cryptocurrency platform, as it previously announced that it will begin offering Bitcoin storage for customers from September 6 to prepare for the launch of Bakkt Bitcoin Futures.

The owner of the transfer is now the fifth-largest BTC wallet and the largest non-cryptocurrency wallet.