Innovecs Opens Blockchain R&D Center in Ukraine


US technology company Innovecs has opened the first Blockchain competence center based on outsourcing technology company in the Ukraine. Innovecs will develop new and integrate existing financial and technological solutions and services on the basis on Blockchain for global clients.

The Blockchain R&D center is physically based in Kyiv, Ukraine.

“Today we are actively building up relationship with US and European product companies that work with Blockchain technology. Moreover, acceptance of bitcoin payments allows us to talk the same language with our clients, – tells Innovecs CEO & Co-founder Alex Lutskiy. – Setting-up the Blockchain research and development center in Innovecs gives new technological opportunities not only on the level of world corporations but also on the country-wide level.”

“Technological solutions will aid the financial sector and the machine of government to become “healthier” and more efficient: replacing the human factor with a technology, we exclude a third-party influence and provide absolute data transparency and security, – says Michael Chobanyan, VP, Blockchain technology & Fintech business at Innovecs, – Decision to accept bitcoin is also a logical step: Innovecs is specializing in Blockchain technology systems development, and among our potential clients are the biggest bitcoin startups. Payments in cryptocurrency are familiar and clear for them.”

Ukraine has a great potential in Blockchain technology development because of the strong engineering basis of IT specialists. According to the information provided by Bitcoin Foundation Ukraine, Ukraine is one of top 10 countries in the world by the number of the global Bitcoin network users.

Innovecs has also joined the list of global companies accepting bitcoin as a payment for services. It became possible with the help of BitPay.


A lot of companies and even governments are investing in Blockchain technology and fintech solutions development and research. The UK government plans to spend £10 million on Blockchain and distributed ledger technology research. Besides that, such financial leaders as: Citigroup, Barclays and UBS are creating and testing their own crypto-currency, which proves that banks are interested in this technology. Also Visa, global credit card processing firm, starts to work on Blockchain Tech in its Innovation Labs.

More about products and services of Blockchain technology & Fintech business unit, you can learn following the link