French Government Leaders to attend Parliamentary Blockchain Forum in October, 2016


According to the details provided on the official site,  a Blockchain conference will be held on 4th October in order to promote a dialogue between representatives of the French government and key digital industry players in France.

“The 1st Parliamentary Forum Blockchain, held on 4 October , aims to decipher the realities of this as revolutionary technology that internet at the time, in the presence of public and private decision makers able to seize the many opportunities and thus make France a reference country in this area”, states the site.

The event will feature round table discussions on “Realities present and future of the Blockchain” and “Blockchain: ubérisation, disappearance or adaptation of the trusted third party?”, coupled with startups presentations.

French MPs Laure de la Raudière, Jean Launay and others are expected to speak at the event. The concluding remarks will be given by Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State for Digital.

It is being organized by consulting agency RM Conseil and the site lists ENEDIS, the operator of the public electricity distribution network; MAIF, a major mutual insurance firm; and Talan, a company that facilitates agile business transformations, as event partners.