Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Unveils New Technical Steering Committee and Seven New Working Groups

Multi-Vertical, Member-Driven Groups Advance Ethereum-Based Technologies


The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) announced the establishment of a Technical Steering Committee that will focus on the EntEth1.0 reference architecture. In addition to the Technical Steering Committee, seven member-driven Working Groups, each driven by Blockchain or industry thought leaders were put in place. The Working Groups will work toward delivering specific advancements to the development and use of Ethereum-based technologies in multiple vertical markets.

“The EEA has made the largest commitment to member-driven working groups in the industry focusing on innovative Blockchain technologies and applications to solve real-world problems,” said Jeremy Millar, founding board member, EEA. “Many of the Blockchain industry’s best and brightest have agreed to contribute their leadership and energy as a chair for an EEA work group. We thank them and all the working group members for their support and efforts.”

The Technical Steering Committee will provide guidance to the Working Groups producing technical specifications and code, reviewing and approving deliverables from various Working Groups for submission to the Board of Directors, and liaising with other committees to assist with directing the EEA work to the right places.

Nearly everything which goes through the Technical Steering Committee should manifest as specifications which apply to Ethereum client codebases (i.e. Quorum, pyethapp, STRATO, Nuco, Burrow, etc.) rather than to higher layers, such as applications built on these clients.

The EEA Technical Steering Committee, Working Groups, and Chairs

  • Technical Steering Committee, Chair: Alex Batlin, BNY Mellon
  • Token Working Group, Chair: Alex Batlin, BNY Mellon
  • Banking Working Group, Chair: Amber Baldet, J.P. Morgan
  • Healthcare Working Group, Chair: Fabian Wahl, Merck KGaA
  • Insurance Working Group, Chairs: Stephan Karpischek and Christoph Mussenbrock, Etherisc Inc.
  • Advertising Industry Working Group, Chair: Mike Goldin, MetaX / ConsenSys
  • Legal Industry Working Group, Chair: Aaron Wright, Associate Clinical Professor of Law at Cardozo Law School and Director of Cardozo’s Blockchain Project
  • Supply Chain Working Group, Chair: Tyler Mulvihill, Authentick / ConsenSys

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) connects Fortune 500 enterprises, startups, academics, and technology vendors with Ethereum subject matter experts. Building upon the only smart contract supporting Blockchain currently running in real-world production – Ethereum –the EEA defines enterprise-grade software capable of handling the most complex, highly-demanding applications at the speed of business. For additional information about joining the EEA, please reach out to [email protected].