Earth Token Wants to Save the Planet


impactChoice, an environmental sustainability software company that recently turned its attention towards Blockchain, is launching on October 23, 2017 a token presale for its brand new Earth Token (ETN), an ERC20 Standard cryptocurrency. The token sale’s main round commences one week later.

Theirs is only the most recent in a long spate of token sales that have taken the Blockchain world by storm. Hundreds of millions have been raised. impactChoice in an interview with Blockchain News highlighted how their token differentiates itself from other Blockchain projects thanks to its vision towards improving the environment’s plight.

The company has been developing its ‘Natural Asset Exchange’ after providing environmental mitigation auditing software for companies mostly in the hospitality industry, such as the sustainable Hotel Verde. It envisages its Natural Asset exchange as a permissioned Blockchain ledger. Speaking with Blockchain News, impactChoice founder Leonard Harley discussed why the software company, which has been around for nearly a decade, is in the process of migrating towards Blockchain technology.

“IBM, Fujitsu, Linux as well as R3 and the world’s largest financial institutions have consolidated their separate Blockchain initiatives under one roof,” Harley told The-Blockchain. “The smarted minds in the world are investing in distributed ledger technology. We investigated Hyperledger by Linux, but decided Ethereum, at the current juncture, represented a more mature option.Our Blockchain platform will democratize the natural asset markets.”

He added:

“We will rebuild our fractionalization engine as a Blockchain application for, ultimately, the compliance industry.”

The Natural Capital Asset will allow carbon credits, RECs and metered outputs to be listed on a decentralized platform.

impactChoice, which was founded in 2009, has offices are in the U.S, U.K, South Africa and Mauritius. Whereas so many tokens sales hail from brand new companies, this is not the case with impactChoice. In 2015 and 2017, the company’s environmental mitigation software was incorporated into the Men’s World Squash Champion and Pacific Market International Bellevue Squash Classic to make them “energy neutral events.” impactChoice helped software company Oracle in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint with impactChoice products.

“The Natural Asset Exchange represents the final evolution in impactChoice’s quest to create a science-based model for environmental impact mitigation. When the government here in Mauritius did a climate change sensitivity campaign, my youngest son educated me of the human induced aspect of climate change,” writes impactChoice founder Leonard Harley in as yet published blog, an early version of which was shared with Blockchain News.

“It shocked me. How had we allowed corporate greed to get us to a state where we could kill all life on this planet? I closed my lucrative IT company and focused all my efforts on trying to find some mechanism, some solution, some technological approach like a software platform – anything – to solve this problem. It’s life or death.”

Harley added:

“I did eight months of research before I settled on the idea for impactChoice of how to incorporate environmental impact mitigation into business transactions. It struck me after doing my research that it’s not that difficult for companies to become responsible and environmentally sustainable if one looks at those market driven mechanisms available. Therefore, companies must take sustainability on as a strategic initiative within.”