IVEP Announces Whitelist for Interactive Video Advertising Protocol


Non-profit Interactive Video and Experience Protocol Association (IVEP) announced Monday, Feb 5, the opening of whitelist registration for its upcoming dubtokens presale, running through to March 2, 2018. Platform agnostic IVEP is aiming to reimagine interactive digital experiences, starting with video content creation and the streaming experience.

The protocol aims to returns control to content creators and publishers by making any streaming online video clickable, with options to shop, chat, donate, and search within an interactive frame. These activities will be monitored by the protocol to measure interaction and performance in a transparent way. The metrics are then stored using a blend of public and private blockchain technology, and analysis of this data — including how users behave even if they do not interact directly with the IVEP — will be used to enable vastly improved ad-fraud-fighting capabilities, according to the company’s statement. Developers, designers, advertisers, and creators will be able to continuously add new features and smart objects to the IVEP layer over time, says the statment, and to discover collaborative opportunities leveraging the recently announced VideoCoin Network.

IVEP Founder and CEO, Frédéric Dionne said, “Ad fraud is an enormous problem within the online video streaming industry, costing advertisers billions per year. We’re excited to announce IVEP’s technology, which offers advertisers, content creators and publishers a new monetization model that leverages blockchain technology to combat bot traffic and ad fraud and ensure each advertisement is reaching its target audience. We envision a future where, through the IVEP, in a single interactive frame, consumers will be able to enjoy digitally unique experiences, discover new products and services, shop with one tap, chat with a content creator or customer service, answer polls or donate without ever leaving the viewing experience.”

IVEP tokens will be available to registered whitelist participants during the public presale from Feb 19 to Mar 2. All contributions will be fully refundable until the IVEP protocol launches in Q2 2018, states the company. The Dubtoken sale will have a hard cap of USD 10 million.

To learn more about IVEP, visit https://ivep.io/.

To register for the dubtoken presale whitelist, visit http://www.dubtokens.com/.

for Online Videosto Add Interactive Layer to All Streaming Video Content